Burokas Law represents individuals and business in acquiring, and retaining a registration/licence/membership in their chosen profession. This representation spans from providing advice and advocacy while applying to conducting hearings at a tribunal/committee to appeal a regulator's decision to:
It is imperative for an individual or business in receipt of any of these actions to ensure their ability to enter, practice, and remain in their chosen profession is not unduly impaired. Burokas Law also represents individuals and businesses who are being unduly required to obtain registration by a regulator.
When counsel for a Regulator, Michael has not only drafted administrative actions listed above but conducted countless hearings at the Licence Appeal Tribunal on the issue of whether individuals and businesses should be able to enter or remain in an industry.
For regulators, Burokas Law can assist in making difficult decisions regarding what administrative action, if any, to take. We also provide representation at every administrative stage up to conducting hearings at tribunals/committees to ensure the appropriate administrative action is ultimately carried out.